Viscovery garnered Tracxn Emerging Startsups of
In Store Retail Tech Award

August 26, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that Viscovery has been included in Tracxn Emerging Startups of In Store Retail Tech Award.

Viscovery is honored to be selected with other leading tech startups of In Store Retail Tech, and as the only startup from Taiwan on the list.

Viscovery received a certificate for the Retail Tech Award from Tracxn.

About the List

“The In Store Retail Tech has over 5.8K+ startups that comprise of companies which provide technology solutions, optimize in-store operations and related activities like marketing, analytics, customer engagement. This companies includes technology solutions to aide different functions for offline retailers including inventory management, marketing, payments, workforce management, machines, shelves and shopping carts.

In Store Retail Tech sector is one of the most active sectors for investors, with an overall funding of USD 27.1B in 6.5K companies. It is also interesting to note that around half of the funding has been raised in the last 3 years (2019-2021).

In this edition, we have the ‘In Store Retail Tech startups 2022’ – a curated list of the most promising startups leading the In Store Retail Tech industry, from across the globe.”


Tracxn’s announcement about the Emerging Startups 2022: Top In Store Retail Tech Startup

Learn more about how Viscovery can help retailers enhance operational efficiency by reading the Viscovery Blog.
