Viscovery Solves Retail Pain Points with AI Visual Checkout Solution
May 6, 2020
Many industries are troubled with declining birthrate and rising labor costs. More and more companies are investing in the development of automation to reduce labor costs. To help the catering industry and retail industry with the automation development, Viscovery developed AI-powered Visual Checkout system for cashiers and even for shoppers’ self-checkout scenario.
Viscovery Account Manager Ann Chen stated, to identify a product, the Visual Checkout system only requires 5~10 product images for AI model training which can be completed with 1 minute.
Viscovery’s recognition technology not only applied in bakeries, cake stores, micromarkets and canteens for faster checkout, but also in e-commerce—Visual Search application. Momoshop deployed Viscovery’s Visual Search technology in momo’s app in 2019, and is currently discussing to expand the scope of the application, from clothing to all product categories.
Back to Visual Checkout, now, Japan is one of the most important markets for Viscovery, with the most use cases of the Visual Checkout system. Viscovery Account Manager Tony Teng pointed out that Japan has been suffering from low birthrate and high labor cost for so many years. Numerous companies have started seeking automation solutions or any other kind of AI solutions which can help solve the problem derived from insufficient manpower.
Nowadays, more and more enterprises or start-ups have been investing and devoting in AI. However, figuring out the exact problems which are eager to be solved by AI is the most important, but also hard, step for every AI investor and developer. Sometimes, even customers do not 100% sure what problem they want to solve and how to solve it. As for Viscovery, Ann explained, since Viscovery has been self-developing AI solutions for retail industry from 2013, Viscovery understands the actual pain points of retail customers and is able to provide the AI solutions to meet the needs.